15th IFPE Congress
Psychiatric Epidemiology:
the foundation for prevention and treatment planning

Welcome message from Prof Johannes Wancata

Let me express my warmest welcome to you all to the 15th International Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology.

The main theme of this congress is "Psychiatric epidemiology: the foundation for prevention and treatment planning". The congress theme explores how epidemiology can have effects on peoples’ real life. If we can prevent the development of mental disorders only for a small proportion of the population, this reduces the burden for millions of people. Planning better services and better provision of treatment facilitates the access to effective treatment. For persons with severe and chronic mental disorders this results in a huge improvement of their quality of life.

Nevertheless, we must not forget societal changes which influence the development and persistence of mental disorders. Recent events such as the dramatic situation of millions of refugees in the Mediterranean region and in Europe will result in enormous burden on numerous people, often accompanied by mental disorders. Again, psychiatric epidemiology will be the key discipline for preparing strategies for prevention and treatment planning.

On behalf of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology I extend our sincere appreciation to the host of this congress, Professor Arnstein Mykletun, and his excellent organizing group for their hard work in making it all happen. I am also indebted very much to Professor George Patton who chaired the Scientific Program Committee and the International Advisory Group planning the content of the scientific program. I am sure this congress will give numerous opportunities for us to change ideas and to learn from each other. Further, this beautiful city provides a wonderful frame for meeting colleagues.

Enjoy your stay in Bergen!

15th International Congress of IFPE
October 7-10, 2015

Bergen - Norway

Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bergen